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Posted By Topic: selling players in FM 2006       - Views: 1270
demonmouse 01-Dec 2005 Thursday 4:16 PM (6759 days ago)               #1
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i have a big problem selling players.... I am in Man City currently with hopes of achieving an UEFA spot... however with players like Sommeil and Thatcher, I don't think I could qualify.... I tried to sell them with low price as possible but no clubs would want them... How I wish they were like my Danny Mills who played worst than a decent player, requested a transfer request and bye-bye to Wigan...

Any tips, bros?

iAm n0b0dY... n0b0dY iS pErFeCt... tHeReFoRe i Am pErFeCt... Water
Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent,
quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one
can change that. Usually quiet but only because
your listening, don't let anyone think you
haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because
your shy or sad, your usually quiet because
your thinking. Your answers are well planned
and helpful so people generally seek your
advice. Your the perfect balance between
solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a
little time to yourself to sort out your
emotions and figure things out. You understand
the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let
things get to you, whats that important for you
to have to get so upset over? You know what you
want out of life but are simply taking your
time and enjoying things. To you your life is
fine as it is, you can always change things
later if your not happy.

This message was edited by demonmouse on 01-Dec-2005 @ 4:17 PM

iAm n0b0dY... n0b0dY iS pErFeCt... tHeReFoRe i Am pErFeCt...

Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent,
quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one
can change that. Usually quiet but only because
your listening, don't let anyone think you
haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because
your shy or sad, your usually quiet because
your thinking. Your answers are well planned
and helpful so people generally seek your
advice. Your the perfect balance between
solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a
little time to yourself to sort out your
emotions and figure things out. You understand
the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let
things get to you, whats that important for you
to have to get so upset over? You know what you
want out of life but are simply taking your
time and enjoying things. To you your life is
fine as it is, you can always change things
later if your not happy.


2D 01-Dec 2005 Thursday 9:39 PM (6759 days ago)            #2
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man...u offering 2 crap players to other...sure no 1 want

if any club...offering such players to u...would u take em? seriously

anyway....try set the 2 players "not wanted by club" and "tranfer listed"
and then set their value to $0 ......then click continue to proceed

wait 1 or 2 day (or the same day)
check the player.....c any club interested....

if got..set their value to "lowest value u wanted to sell" and offer to all clubs including interested clubs .....keep on doing this until any of the clubs "wiling but dumb enough" to buy them

and if it still turned out no clubs interested...well tough luck lol..:P

well, if u wanted to get rid of 'em...but without paying any compensation....u may go buy other's cheapskate player and attach the "surplus to requirement" players in your transfer deal....
bid bye bye to them


British_Bulldog 02-Dec 2005 Friday 2:36 PM (6758 days ago)            #3
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i find tat FM06 have improved in e area of selling players. last time when i play FM05, its harder to sell some players, but for FM06 most of the players i transfer listed very soon there are clubs offering contracts. however, there's still a few old or really lousy ones no people wanna buy.

but for buying players still a bit hard, last time pay twice e money e club will accept liao, but now they reject most of my offers, accepted ones all damn expensive. even if e players wana come over, n express their discontent, the clubs also dun sell. if wanna buy bargain ones need look for players with contract expiring soon. then they sell reasonable price, but there will b clubs competing with you. the more famous names really hard to buy, til now bought around 10 players all never hear of.

2D 03-Dec 2005 Saturday 11:29 AM (6757 days ago)            #4
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British Bulldog

i find tat FM06 have improved in e area of selling players. last time when i play FM05, its harder to sell some players, but for FM06 most of the players i transfer listed very soon there are clubs offering contracts. however, there's still a few old or really lousy ones no people wanna buy.

but for buying players still a bit hard, last time pay twice e money e club will accept liao, but now they reject most of my offers, accepted ones all damn expensive. even if e players wana come over, n express their discontent, the clubs also dun sell. if wanna buy bargain ones need look for players with contract expiring soon. then they sell reasonable price, but there will b clubs competing with you. the more famous names really hard to buy, til now bought around 10 players all never hear of.

well, in my opinion, fm2005 and fm2006 dont have much in difference in term of players transfer dealing.....what u've mentioned might be true but the main point is mainly depend on how or when r u bidding or selling players at the right time

u see, the most appropiate time or period for u to do is during pre-season....i.e. at end month of june, month of july and early month of this point of time...most of the clubs (except 1 or 2) are more willing to listen to any offers, given with the right price

as example, during pre-season....i offered 5mil pound in inital plus 4.5mil pound after 10 league appearances fees for van der vaart and accepted ....which eventually i decline the deal b'coz i'm lookin 4 other alternative

but during league season...(january transfer window)i offered the same amount again but soon get keep on bidding until finally got accepted which i had coughed up twice the amount that i offered initially !!!

if you 're interested in certain players but facing stiff competition from other clubs ...u may twarted them from buying the player with faking offers....

say, if club A offered $1 mil to club B ...u may counter them by offering $20mil and above ....this will lead the club B to reject club A's offer and take urs...if it does...decline the deal and offered back $1 mil again Evil Grin

but if club B accepted the worry...just wait till offering contract to the wanted this point of time, u need tangle the carrot by offering the highest salary cap and key players term and plus ridiclurious signing off fees to the players.....damn sure the players greedy enough to accept the offer!! if accepted, decline the deal and offer back $1 mil back to club B again

am sure this way will let u get the players u wanted, albeit not most of all......*rofl*


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